Lynne Ackland - Volunteer Podcast

Aspirations and Future Planning / Know Your Neighbourhood Project / February 15th, 2024

Lynne Ackland - Volunteer Podcast

Lynne has a wealth of experience in the educational and charity sector and is committed to local volunteering. In this podcast she shares with us how important it is to engage and encourage young people in local volunteering and to ensure that charities and companies provide those opportunities.

Consett Heritage Project / June 27th, 2024

Stephen Robinson - Consett Heritage Podcast

Stephen Robinson, who works and lives in Consett and is an independent councillor at Durham County Council, sits down to talk about his current links to Consett, the impact the steelworks had on him, and advice he has for young people.

Aspirations and Future Planning / February 15th, 2024

Know Your Neighbourhood Project / February 15th, 2024

Lynne Ackland - Volunteer Podcast

Lynne has a wealth of experience in the educational and charity sector and is committed to local volunteering. In this podcast she shares with us how important it is to engage and encourage young people in local volunteering and to ensure that charities and companies provide those opportunities.

Consett Heritage Project / April 12th, 2024

History of Consett Q and A – Local Mysteries now Solved!

As part of Building Self-Belief’s series of events about Consett’s heritage, local Historian Brian Harrison agreed to be in the spotlight for our Consett’s History Q and A session.