The Learning for Life Sensory Room Project | Building Self-Belief

Youth Social Action / August 24th, 2023

The Learning for Life Sensory Room Project | Building Self-Belief

Young people from Consett Academy and Learning for Life joined forces to design and equip and new sensory space. They challenged youth loneliness, broke down social barriers, built lasting friendships and engaged with local businesses. It was a fabulous project and we all loved every minute of it. The Programme was funded by the Derwent Valley AAP and supported by local businesses.

Consett Heritage Project / September 18th, 2023

Voices of Consett - Eileen

Eileen has lived in Consett for 64 years, her family live in Consett, she works and socialises in Consett, her grandchildren go to school in Consett, so you could say her whole life is in Consett. She has three children and three grandchildren who all live in this area, one of them teaches in Leadgate, in Consett.

Youth Social Action / December 9th, 2024

Tow Law Eco-Ambassadors Film

We have had a wonderful year with the Tow Law Eco-Ambassadors during our Environmental Project with The Energy Saving Trust and Airbnb who are kindly supporting us with the programme. Here is our Christmas Tow Law Eco Ambassadors film, which showcases all the amazing work they have completed so far.

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / February 28th, 2022

Relationships and Sex Education / February 28th, 2022

Do we Need a New Social Code for the Digital Age?

The topic of setting boundaries in a digital age has concerned me for a while. With the climate of technology changing at such a fast pace, how do we teach our young people to follow an online, as well as a real life, social code?