History of Consett Steelworks - Past and Present
Building Self-Belief presents our film about Consett Steelworks Past and Present. Go on a journey with Alan Swiinburne and Peter Shaw as they talk you through how Consett used to look when the steelworks dominated the landscape, and compare it to how it looks in 2025. Thank you everyone who has supported the project, in particular the National Heritage Lottery for their generous grant.

Consett Heritage Project / February 9th, 2024
My Dream for Consett
Ray Lonsdale’s statue of Tommy, at Seaham had a profound effect on me. Tommy, or using it’s real title of “One Minute Past Eleven” depicts a weary First World War soldier slumped and gazing ahead. Tommy represents how many troops felt when the war ended – we had ‘won’, but at what cost?

Self-Belief and Emotional Wellbeing / July 15th, 2022
Youth Social Action / July 15th, 2022
Wellbeing and the Arts / July 15th, 2022
North Shields Fish Quay Community Heritage Project | Christ Church C of E Primary School
During the summer term of 2022, we were thrilled to deliver our Heritage Programme to the children of Christ Church C of E Primary School. During this programme, the children researched the way that North Shields Fish Quay, and the local fishing industry, has shaped the lives of local people over hundreds of years.

Aspirations and Future Planning / June 16th, 2023
The Tall Wall - When Coaching Works!
No matter what stage you're at in life, having someone to talk to who you can trust is an invaluable addition to your personal and professional life. Thanks to Helen Cowan’s offer from The Tall Wall, this is an additional service we can now offer our staff and volunteers.