Delves Lane Primary School Poetry Anthology

Consett Heritage Project / March 12th, 2025

In February 2025, the Year 5 classes at Delves Lane Primary School in Consett, County Durham, took part in a project on the Consett Steelworks, forming part of our two-year Consett Heritage Project. The children learnt about the history of the steelworks and developed their understanding of the impact that the steelworks closure had, and continues to have, on the community. They interviewed Alan, a former steelworker, and began to consider the positives and negatives of the steelworks closure. 

The students then created paintings and decorated a quilt under the title- 'Consett Past and Present'. Some of their designs included the Hownsgill Viaduct, Consett AFC, images of the steelworks, the red dust, and the contrast of the environment in the steelworks era compared to present. 

The children then worked in groups to develop a poem, thinking about the ways that Consett Steelworks has impacted the community, both positively and negatively. Each group chose a photo relating to the Consett Steelworks, and wrote their own poems using poetic techniques. We hope you enjoy them!

The Last Chimney

This poem was created by Aaron, Heidi, Imogen, Isla, Lily and Zac.

Monuments and Memories

This poem was created by Lilly-Rose, Oliver, Thalia and Teddy.

Consett's Caterpillar

This poem was created by Hylton, Lainee, Lewis, Miles and Paula Louise.

Consett Heritage Project / March 27th, 2024

John Fox - Consett Heritage Podcast

John has lived his whole life in Consett and tells us all about his experiences working at Consett Steelworks and beyond! He also explains what he has planned for Consett for the future, and how he needs your help to make his dream for Consett a reality.

Aspirations and Future Planning / July 1st, 2024

Consett "Bridging the Gap Youth Employability Programme."

The Consett "Bridging the Gap Youth Employability Programme" was kindly supported by Newcastle Building Society via the Tyne and Wear Community Foundation, and The Albert Hunt Trust. As part of this the students consulted the young people of the Consett Area as part of the preparation of the Consett Area Neighbourhood Plan..

Youth Social Action / May 22nd, 2020

Covid 19 | Should Students Repeat their Current School Year?

Suggestions have been put forward that students should repeat this current academic year.