Consett's Broken Heart
'Consett's Broken Heart' is a poem created by Olivia, Alfie A, Alfie R, Daisie, Jaxon and Damien, of Moorside Primary School. This is a fabulous poem inspired by the impact the closing of the steelworks had on the town of Consett.
Consett Heritage Project / August 10th, 2023
Rob Moran - Consett Heritage Podcast
Rob is Consett born and bred and has been active in the community in many fields over the years, including volunteering with the Consett Green Spaces Campaign and with the local Labour Party. He is involved with the group History of Consett Steelworks where his particular interest is researching its history. He also helps out at our local schools by taking the children on history tours of the ex-steelworks site. He also shares his love of the wider history of the North East, on his own fabulous Facebook group called Alfred's Guide.
Aspirations and Future Planning / July 8th, 2018
Raising Career Aspirations in Teenage Girls
Our ‘Raising Aspirations’ business event with the group of girls from our most recent Building Self-Belief programme gave everyone involved an invaluable insight into working life.
Consett Heritage Project / September 10th, 2024
The Monster of Consett
Lucas, Jacob, Jayden, Alan, and Roan collaborated in groups to explore the deep impact of Consett Steelworks on their local community, uncovering both its positive and negative influences. They then transformed their insights into a powerful poem, capturing what it was like to live in Consett at that time.