Consett's Broken Heart

Consett Heritage Project / August 29th, 2024

Consett's Broken Heart

'Consett's Broken Heart' is a poem created by Olivia, Alfie A, Alfie R, Daisie, Jaxon and Damien, of Moorside Primary School. This is a fabulous poem inspired by the impact the closing of the steelworks had on the town of Consett.

Youth Social Action / September 1st, 2021

Say No To Consett Incinerator

An amazing song!! Con Dawg n Crew are showing all young people how they can use their creative talents to make a stand for what they believe to be right.

Consett Heritage Project / June 27th, 2024

Stephen Robinson - Consett Heritage Podcast

Stephen Robinson, who works and lives in Consett and is an independent councillor at Durham County Council, sits down to talk about his current links to Consett, the impact the steelworks had on him, and advice he has for young people.

Consett Heritage Project / September 18th, 2023

Voices of Consett - Eileen

Eileen has lived in Consett for 64 years, her family live in Consett, she works and socialises in Consett, her grandchildren go to school in Consett, so you could say her whole life is in Consett. She has three children and three grandchildren who all live in this area, one of them teaches in Leadgate, in Consett.